• Definition - To adjust (a musical instrument) so that it produces the correct pitches.
  • Example - to tune a piano or a violin
  • Definition - To adjust or modify (esp. a mechanical or electrical device) so that it functions optimally.
  • Example - Tune your mind, and anything becomes possible.
  • Definition - To adjust the frequency on a radio or TV set, so as to receive the desired channel.
  • Example - Tune to Channel 6 for all your favourite daytime shows.
  • Definition - (e.g. of senses or faculties) To adapt to or direct towards a particular target.
  • Example - My ears were tuned to the sounds of the forest.
  • Definition - To make more precise, intense, or effective; to put into a proper state or disposition.
  • Example - My ears were tuned to the sounds of the forest.
  • Definition - To attune; to adapt in style of music; to make harmonious.
  • Example - My ears were tuned to the sounds of the forest.
  • Definition - To give a certain tone or character to.
  • Example - My ears were tuned to the sounds of the forest.
  • Definition - To sing with melody or harmony.
  • Example - My ears were tuned to the sounds of the forest.
  • Definition - To cheek; to be impudent towards.
  • Example - Are you tuning me?
  • Definition - Adjusted in pitch or resonance.
  • Example - The tuned wind chimes sounded almost like they were playing a melody.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
tendu 6 tuned 6
4 Letter Words
dent 5 duet 5 dune 5 dunt 5 nude 5 tend 5 unde 5 tune 4
3 Letter Words
den 4 due 4 dun 4 end 4 ted 4 net 3 nut 3 ten 3 tun 3 ute 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 en 2 et 2 ne 2 nu 2 te 2 un 2 ut 2