• Definition - An entertainment, outing, food, drink, or other indulgence provided by someone for the enjoyment of others.
  • Example - Here are some healthy Halloween treats for ghouls and witches of all ages.
  • Definition - An unexpected gift, event etc., which provides great pleasure.
  • Example - It was such a treat to see her back in action on the London stage.
  • Definition - A snack food item designed to be given to pets.
  • Example - I lured the cat into her carrier by throwing a couple of treats in there.
  • Definition - A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation.
  • Example - I lured the cat into her carrier by throwing a couple of treats in there.
  • Definition - An entreaty.
  • Example - I lured the cat into her carrier by throwing a couple of treats in there.
  • Definition - To negotiate, discuss terms, bargain (for or with).
  • Example - I lured the cat into her carrier by throwing a couple of treats in there.
  • Definition - To discourse; to handle a subject in writing or speaking; to conduct a discussion.
  • Example - Cicero's writing treats mainly of old age and personal duty.
  • Definition - To discourse on; to represent or deal with in a particular way, in writing or speaking.
  • Example - The article treated feminism as a quintessentially modern movement.
  • Definition - To entreat or beseech (someone).
  • Example - Only let my family live, I treat thee.
  • Definition - To handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way.
  • Example - She was tempted to treat the whole affair as a joke.
  • Definition - To entertain with food or drink, especially at one's own expense; to show hospitality to; to pay for as celebration or reward.
  • Example - I treated my son to some popcorn in the interval.
  • Definition - To commit the offence of providing food, drink, entertainment or provision to corruptly influence a voter.
  • Example - I treated my son to some popcorn in the interval.
  • Definition - To care for medicinally or surgically; to apply medical care to.
  • Example - They treated me for malaria.
  • Definition - To subject to a chemical or other action; to act upon with a specific scientific result in mind.
  • Example - He treated the substance with sulphuric acid.
  • Definition - To provide something special and pleasant.
  • Example - He treated the substance with sulphuric acid.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
tater 5 tetra 5 treat 5
4 Letter Words
rate 4 tare 4 tart 4 tate 4 tear 4 teat 4 tret 4
3 Letter Words
are 3 art 3 ate 3 att 3 ear 3 eat 3 era 3 eta 3 rat 3 ret 3 tae 3 tar 3 tat 3 tea 3 tet 3
2 Letter Words
ae 2 ar 2 at 2 er 2 et 2 re 2 ta 2 te 2