• Definition - A girl who behaves in a typically boyish manner.
  • Example - His sister, his dearest and only playmate, is a tomboy at heart.
  • Synonyms - hoyden ladette romp
  • Definition - A lesbian.
  • Example - His sister, his dearest and only playmate, is a tomboy at heart.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
tomboy 13
5 Letter Words
boomy 12 booty 10
4 Letter Words
boyo 9 toby 9 boom 8 tomb 8 toyo 7 boot 6 moot 6 toom 6
3 Letter Words
boy 8 yob 8 yom 8 mob 7 toy 6 boo 5 bot 5 moo 5 mot 5 tom 5 oot 3 too 3
2 Letter Words
by 7 my 7 oy 5 yo 5 bo 4 mo 4 om 4 to 2