• Definition - To slope or incline (something); to slant.
  • Example - Tilt the barrel to pour out its contents.
  • Definition - (jousting) To charge (at someone) with a lance.
  • Example - Tilt the barrel to pour out its contents.
  • Definition - To be at an angle.
  • Example - Tilt the barrel to pour out its contents.
  • Definition - To point or thrust a weapon at.
  • Example - Tilt the barrel to pour out its contents.
  • Definition - To point or thrust (a weapon).
  • Example - Tilt the barrel to pour out its contents.
  • Definition - To forge (something) with a tilt hammer.
  • Example - to tilt steel in order to render it more ductile
  • Definition - To play worse than usual (often as a result of previous bad luck or losses).
  • Example - to tilt steel in order to render it more ductile
  • Definition - (of a machine) To intentionally let the ball fall down to the drain by disabling flippers and most targets, done as a punishment to the player when the machine is nudged too violently or frequently.
  • Example - to tilt steel in order to render it more ductile
  • Definition - To cover with a tilt, or awning.
  • Example - to tilt steel in order to render it more ductile
  • Definition - Of a vehicle, fitted with a tilt (canvass covering).
  • Example - to tilt steel in order to render it more ductile
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
tilted 7 titled 7
5 Letter Words
tilde 6 tiled 6 title 5
4 Letter Words
deil 5 deli 5 delt 5 diel 5 diet 5 dite 5 edit 5 idle 5 lied 5 tide 5 tied 5 lite 4 tile 4 tilt 4
3 Letter Words
del 4 die 4 dit 4 eld 4 led 4 lid 4 ted 4 lei 3 let 3 lie 3 lit 3 tel 3 tet 3 tie 3 til 3 tit 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 id 3 el 2 et 2 it 2 li 2 te 2 ti 2