• Definition - A kind of woven woollen cloth with a distinctive pattern of coloured stripes intersecting at right angles, associated with Scottish Highlanders, different clans having their own distinctive patterns.
  • Definition - The pattern associated with such material.
  • Definition - An individual or a group wearing tartan; a Highlander or Scotsman in general.
  • Definition - Trade name of a synthetic resin, used for surfacing tracks etc.
  • Definition - To clothe in tartan.
  • Definition - Having a pattern like a tartan.
  • Definition - Scottish.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
rattan 6 tantra 6 tartan 6
5 Letter Words
antra 5 attar 5 ratan 5 tatar 5
4 Letter Words
anta 4 rant 4 tarn 4 tart 4
3 Letter Words
ana 3 ant 3 art 3 att 3 ran 3 rat 3 tan 3 tar 3 tat 3
2 Letter Words
aa 2 an 2 ar 2 at 2 na 2 ta 2