• Definition - The rising or ascent of an aircraft or rocket into flight.
  • Example - The flight was smooth, but the takeoff was a little rough.
  • Definition - A parody or lampoon of someone or something.
  • Example - The flight was smooth, but the takeoff was a little rough.
  • Definition - A quantification, especially of building materials.
  • Example - I'll give you an estimate after I do the quantity takeoffs for the trusses and structural steel.
  • Definition - The removal of sheets from the press.
  • Example - I'll give you an estimate after I do the quantity takeoffs for the trusses and structural steel.
  • Definition - The spot from which one takes off; specifically, the place from which a jumper rises in leaping.
  • Example - I'll give you an estimate after I do the quantity takeoffs for the trusses and structural steel.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
takeoff 17
5 Letter Words
kofta 12
4 Letter Words
fake 11 offa 10 teff 10 toff 10 keta 8 keto 8 take 8 teak 8 toke 8 fate 7 feat 7 feta 7 toea 4
3 Letter Words
kaf 10 kef 10 aff 9 eff 9 off 9 kae 7 kat 7 kea 7 koa 7 oak 7 oka 7 oke 7 aft 6 eft 6 fat 6 fet 6 foe 6 oaf 6 oft 6 ate 3 eat 3 eta 3 oat 3 tae 3 tao 3 tea 3 toe 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 ok 6 ef 5 fa 5 fe 5 of 5 ae 2 at 2 et 2 oe 2 ta 2 te 2 to 2