• Definition - A small piece of soft, absorbent material, such as gauze, used to clean wounds, apply medicine, or take samples of body fluids. Often attached to a stick or wire to aid access.
  • Definition - A sample taken with a swab (piece of absorbent material).
  • Definition - A piece of material used for cleaning or sampling other items like musical instruments or guns.
  • Definition - A mop, especially on a ship.
  • Definition - A sailor; a swabby.
  • Definition - A naval officer's epaulet.
  • Definition - To use a swab on something, or clean something with a swab.
  • Example - swab the deck of a ship
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
bows 9 swob 9
3 Letter Words
bow 8 sow 6 wos 6 bos 5 sob 5
2 Letter Words
ow 5 wo 5 bo 4 os 2 so 2