• Definition - (collective) A mixture of solid and liquid food scraps fed to pigs etc; especially kitchen waste for this purpose.
  • Definition - (by extension) Any disgusting or distasteful liquid.
  • Example - I cannot believe anyone could drink this swill.
  • Definition - (by extension) Anything disgusting or worthless.
  • Example - This new TV show is a worthless load of swill.
  • Definition - A large quantity of liquid drunk at one swallow.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Synonyms - swig
  • Definition - Inexpensive beer or alcohol.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Definition - (Ultimate Frisbee) A badly-thrown pass.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Definition - To drink (or, rarely, eat) greedily or to excess.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Definition - To wash (something) by flooding with water.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Definition - To move (a liquid or liquid-filled vessel) in a circular motion.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Definition - (of a liquid) To move around or over a surface.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Definition - To inebriate; to fill with drink.
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
  • Definition - To feed swill to (pigs).
  • Example - He took a swill of his drink and tried to think of words.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
swill 8 wills 8
4 Letter Words
will 7 ills 4 sill 4
3 Letter Words
wis 6 ill 3 lis 3
2 Letter Words
is 2 li 2 si 2