• Definition - A piece, pattern, or sample, generally of cloth or a similar material.
  • Example - He held a swatch of the wallpaper up to see if the colors would match the room.
  • Definition - A selection of such samples bound together.
  • Example - He held a swatch of the wallpaper up to see if the colors would match the room.
  • Definition - A clump or portion of something.
  • Example - He held a swatch of the wallpaper up to see if the colors would match the room.
  • Definition - A demonstration, an example, a proof.
  • Example - He held a swatch of the wallpaper up to see if the colors would match the room.
  • Definition - A tag or other small object attached to another item as a means of identifying its owner; a tally; specifically the counterfoil of a tally.
  • Example - He held a swatch of the wallpaper up to see if the colors would match the room.
  • Definition - To create a swatch, especially a sample of knitted fabric.
  • Example - Swatching is important in knitting to obtain the correct gauge.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
swatch 14
5 Letter Words
chaws 13 schwa 13 watch 13 swath 11 thaws 11 whats 11 chats 10 tachs 10
4 Letter Words
chaw 12 haws 10 shaw 10 shwa 10 thaw 10 wash 10 what 10 cash 9 caws 9 chat 9 tach 9 hast 7 hats 7 shat 7 staw 7 swat 7 taws 7 twas 7 wast 7 wats 7 acts 6 cast 6 cats 6 scat 6
3 Letter Words
haw 9 wha 9 caw 8 ahs 6 ash 6 has 6 hat 6 saw 6 sha 6 taw 6 twa 6 was 6 wat 6 act 5 cat 5 sac 5 sat 3 tas 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 aw 5 ha 5 sh 5 as 2 at 2 ta 2