• Definition - To hurt, usually by introducing poison or a sharp point, or both.
  • Example - Right so came out an adder of a little heathbush, and it stung a knight in the foot.
  • Definition - (of an insect) To bite.
  • Example - Right so came out an adder of a little heathbush, and it stung a knight in the foot.
  • Definition - (sometimes figurative) To hurt, to be in pain.
  • Example - My hand stings after knocking on the door so long.
  • Definition - To cause harm or pain to.
  • Example - I thought I could park in front of the hotel, but they stung me for five pounds!
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
stung 6 tungs 6
4 Letter Words
gnus 5 guns 5 gust 5 guts 5 nugs 5 snug 5 sung 5 tugs 5 tung 5 nuts 4 stun 4 tuns 4
3 Letter Words
gnu 4 gun 4 gut 4 nug 4 tug 4 nus 3 nut 3 sun 3 tun 3 uns 3 uts 3
2 Letter Words
nu 2 un 2 us 2 ut 2