• Definition - Something stale; a loaf of bread or the like that is no longer fresh.
  • Definition - (of alcohol) To make stale; to age in order to clear and strengthen (a drink, especially beer).
  • Definition - To make stale; to cause to go out of fashion or currency; to diminish the novelty or interest of, particularly by excessive exposure or consumption.
  • Definition - To become stale; to grow odious from excessive exposure or consumption.
  • Definition - (alcohol) To become stale; to grow unpleasant from age.
  • Definition - A long, thin handle (of rakes, axes, etc.)
  • Definition - The posts and rungs composing a ladder.
  • Definition - The stem of a plant.
  • Definition - The shaft of an arrow, spear, etc.
  • Definition - To make a ladder by joining rungs ("stales") between the posts.
  • Definition - A fixed position, particularly a soldier's in a battle-line.
  • Definition - A stalemate; a stalemated game.
  • Definition - An ambush.
  • Definition - A band of armed men or hunters.
  • Definition - The main force of an army.
  • Definition - To stalemate.
  • Definition - To be stalemated.
  • Definition - (livestock) To urinate, especially used of horses and cattle.
  • Definition - A live bird to lure birds of prey or others of its kind into a trap.
  • Definition - Any lure, particularly in reference to people used as live bait.
  • Definition - An accomplice of a thief or criminal acting as bait.
  • Definition - A partner whose beloved abandons or torments him in favor of another.
  • Definition - A patsy, a pawn, someone used under some false pretext to forward another's (usu. sinister) designs; a stalking horse.
  • Definition - A prostitute of the lowest sort; any wanton woman.
  • Definition - Any decoy, either stuffed or manufactured.
  • Definition - To serve as a decoy, to lure.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
leasts 6 slates 6 stales 6 steals 6 tassel 6 teslas 6
5 Letter Words
asset 5 easts 5 lases 5 lasts 5 least 5 sales 5 salts 5 sates 5 seals 5 seats 5 setal 5 slate 5 slats 5 stale 5 steal 5 stela 5 taels 5 tales 5 tases 5 tasse 5 teals 5 tesla 5
4 Letter Words
ales 4 alts 4 ates 4 east 4 eats 4 ests 4 etas 4 lase 4 lass 4 last 4 late 4 lats 4 leas 4 less 4 lest 4 lets 4 sale 4 sals 4 salt 4 sate 4 seal 4 seas 4 seat 4 sels 4 seta 4 sets 4 slat 4 tael 4 tale 4 tase 4 tass 4 teal 4 teas 4 tela 4 tels 4
3 Letter Words
ale 3 als 3 alt 3 ass 3 ate 3 eat 3 els 3 ess 3 est 3 eta 3 las 3 lat 3 lea 3 les 3 let 3 sae 3 sal 3 sat 3 sea 3 sel 3 set 3 tae 3 tas 3 tea 3 tel 3 tes 3
2 Letter Words
ae 2 al 2 as 2 at 2 el 2 es 2 et 2 la 2 ta 2 te 2