• Definition - A piece of wood or other material, usually long and slender, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a marker or a support or stay.
  • Example - We have surveyor's stakes at all four corners of this field, to mark exactly its borders.
  • Definition - A piece of wood driven in the ground, placed in the middle of the court, that is used as the finishing point after scoring 12 hoops in croquet.
  • Example - We have surveyor's stakes at all four corners of this field, to mark exactly its borders.
  • Definition - A stick inserted upright in a lop, eye, or mortise, at the side or end of a cart, flat car, flatbed trailer, or the like, to prevent goods from falling off.
  • Example - We have surveyor's stakes at all four corners of this field, to mark exactly its borders.
  • Definition - (with definite article) The piece of timber to which a person condemned to death was affixed to be burned.
  • Example - Thomas Cranmer was burnt at the stake.
  • Definition - A share or interest in a business or a given situation.
  • Example - The owners let the managers eventually earn a stake in the business.
  • Definition - That which is laid down as a wager; that which is staked or hazarded; a pledge.
  • Example - The owners let the managers eventually earn a stake in the business.
  • Definition - A small anvil usually furnished with a tang to enter a hole in a bench top, as used by tinsmiths, blacksmiths, etc., for light work, punching hole in or cutting a work piece, or for specific forming techniques etc.
  • Example - The owners let the managers eventually earn a stake in the business.
  • Definition - A territorial division comprising all the Mormons (typically several thousand) in a geographical area.
  • Example - The owners let the managers eventually earn a stake in the business.
  • Definition - To fasten, support, defend, or delineate with stakes.
  • Example - to stake vines or plants
  • Definition - To pierce or wound with a stake.
  • Example - to stake vines or plants
  • Definition - To put at risk upon success in competition, or upon a future contingency.
  • Example - to stake vines or plants
  • Definition - To provide another with money in order to engage in an activity as betting or a business venture.
  • Example - His family staked him $10,000 to get his business started.
  • Definition - The money wagered in gambling.
  • Example - His family staked him $10,000 to get his business started.
  • Definition - Risks.
  • Example - His family staked him $10,000 to get his business started.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
skates 10 stakes 10 steaks 10
5 Letter Words
ketas 9 sakes 9 skate 9 skats 9 stake 9 steak 9 takes 9 tasks 9 teaks 9 asset 5 easts 5 sates 5 seats 5 tases 5 tasse 5
4 Letter Words
asks 8 kaes 8 kats 8 keas 8 keta 8 sake 8 skas 8 skat 8 take 8 task 8 teak 8 tsks 8 ates 4 east 4 eats 4 ests 4 etas 4 sate 4 seas 4 seat 4 seta 4 sets 4 tase 4 tass 4 teas 4
3 Letter Words
ask 7 kae 7 kas 7 kat 7 kea 7 ska 7 tsk 7 ass 3 ate 3 eat 3 ess 3 est 3 eta 3 sae 3 sat 3 sea 3 set 3 tae 3 tas 3 tea 3 tes 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 ae 2 as 2 at 2 es 2 et 2 ta 2 te 2