• Definition - The soul of a person or other creature. What moves through experience into self-definition as souls purpose.
  • Definition - A supernatural being, often but not exclusively without physical form; ghost, fairy, angel.
  • Example - A wandering spirit haunts the island.
  • Definition - Enthusiasm.
  • Example - School spirit is at an all-time high.
  • Definition - The manner or style of something.
  • Example - In the spirit of forgiveness, we didn't press charges.
  • Definition - (usually in the plural) A volatile liquid, such as alcohol. The plural form spirits is a generic term for distilled alcoholic beverages.
  • Example - In the spirit of forgiveness, we didn't press charges.
  • Definition - Energy; ardour.
  • Example - In the spirit of forgiveness, we didn't press charges.
  • Definition - One who is vivacious or lively; one who evinces great activity or peculiar characteristics of mind or temper.
  • Example - a ruling spirit; a schismatic spirit
  • Definition - Temper or disposition of mind; mental condition or disposition; intellectual or moral state; often in the plural.
  • Example - to be cheerful, or in good spirits; to be down-hearted, or in bad spirits
  • Definition - Air set in motion by breathing; breath; hence, sometimes, life itself.
  • Example - to be cheerful, or in good spirits; to be down-hearted, or in bad spirits
  • Definition - A rough breathing; an aspirate, such as the letter h; also, a mark denoting aspiration.
  • Example - to be cheerful, or in good spirits; to be down-hearted, or in bad spirits
  • Definition - Intent; real meaning; opposed to the letter, or formal statement.
  • Example - the spirit of an enterprise, or of a document
  • Definition - Any of the four substances: sulphur, sal ammoniac, quicksilver, and arsenic (or, according to some, orpiment).
  • Example - the spirit of an enterprise, or of a document
  • Definition - (dyeing) Stannic chloride.
  • Example - the spirit of an enterprise, or of a document
  • Definition - To carry off, especially in haste, secrecy, or mystery.
  • Example - the spirit of an enterprise, or of a document
  • Definition - To animate with vigor; to excite; to encourage; to inspirit; sometimes followed by up.
  • Example - Civil dissensions often spirit the ambition of private men.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
spirit 8
5 Letter Words
spirt 7 sprit 7 stirp 7 strip 7 tipis 7 trips 7
4 Letter Words
pits 6 rips 6 spit 6 tipi 6 tips 6 trip 6 iris 4 stir 4
3 Letter Words
pis 5 pit 5 psi 5 pst 5 rip 5 sip 5 tip 5 its 3 sir 3 sit 3 sri 3 tis 3
2 Letter Words
pi 4 is 2 it 2 si 2 ti 2