• Definition - A mixture of mineral particles and organic material, used to support plant growth.
  • Definition - The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants.
  • Definition - The unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth that has been subjected to and shows effects of genetic and environmental factors of: climate (including water and temperature effects), and macro- and microorganisms, conditioned by relief, acting on parent material over a period of time. A product-soil differs from the material from which it is derived in many physical, chemical, biological, and morphological properties and characteristics.
  • Definition - Country or territory.
  • Example - Kenyan soil
  • Definition - That which soils or pollutes; a stain.
  • Example - Kenyan soil
  • Definition - A marshy or miry place to which a hunted boar resorts for refuge; hence, a wet place, stream, or tract of water, sought for by other game, as deer.
  • Example - Kenyan soil
  • Definition - Dung; compost; manure.
  • Example - night soil
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
oils 4 silo 4 soil 4 soli 4
3 Letter Words
lis 3 oil 3 sol 3
2 Letter Words
is 2 li 2 lo 2 oi 2 os 2 si 2 so 2