• Definition - An instance of sniffing.
  • Example - She gave the flowers a quick sniff to check they were real.
  • Definition - A quantity of something that is inhaled through the nose
  • Example - She gave the flowers a quick sniff to check they were real.
  • Definition - A brief perception, or tiny amount.
  • Example - She gave the flowers a quick sniff to check they were real.
  • Definition - Cocaine.
  • Example - She gave the flowers a quick sniff to check they were real.
  • Definition - To make a short, audible inhalation, through the nose, as when smelling something.
  • Example - I sniffed the meat to see whether it had gone off.
  • Definition - To say something while sniffing, for example in case of illness or unhappiness, or in contempt.
  • Example - "He's never coming back, is he?" she sniffed while looking at a picture of him.
  • Definition - To perceive vaguely
  • Example - I can sniff trouble coming from the basement.
  • Definition - To be dismissive or contemptuous of something.
  • Example - This opportunity is not to be sniffed at.
  • Definition - To intercept and analyse packets of data being transmitted over a network.
  • Example - This opportunity is not to be sniffed at.
  • Definition - To inhale drugs in powder form (usually cocaine) through the nose.
  • Example - This opportunity is not to be sniffed at.
  • Definition - A short inhalation sound, sometimes associated with crying.
  • Example - This opportunity is not to be sniffed at.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
niffs 11 sniff 11
4 Letter Words
niff 10 fins 7
3 Letter Words
iff 9 fin 6 ifs 6 ins 3 sin 3
2 Letter Words
if 5 in 2 is 2 si 2