• Definition - Something that is smooth, or that goes smoothly and easily.
  • Definition - A smoothing action.
  • Definition - A domestic animal having a smooth coat.
  • Definition - A member of an anti-hippie fashion movement in 1970s Britain.
  • Definition - The analysis obtained through a smoothing procedure.
  • Definition - To make smooth or even.
  • Definition - To make straightforward or easy.
  • Definition - To calm or palliate.
  • Example - to smooth a person's temper
  • Definition - (image processing, digital audio) To capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise.
  • Example - to smooth a person's temper
  • Definition - To stroke; especially to stroke an animal's fur.
  • Example - Can I smooth your cat?
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
smooths 12
6 Letter Words
smoosh 11 smooth 11 shoots 9 sooths 9
5 Letter Words
homos 10 mohos 10 moths 10 hoots 8 hosts 8 shoos 8 shoot 8 shots 8 sooth 8 soths 8 moots 7 mosso 7 mosts 7 soots 5
4 Letter Words
homo 9 homs 9 mhos 9 moho 9 mosh 9 moth 9 ohms 9 shmo 9 hoot 7 host 7 hots 7 oohs 7 shoo 7 shot 7 sohs 7 soth 7 tosh 7 moos 6 moot 6 moss 6 most 6 mots 6 soms 6 toms 6 toom 6 oots 4 soot 4 sots 4 toss 4
3 Letter Words
hom 8 mho 8 ohm 8 hoo 6 hos 6 hot 6 oho 6 ohs 6 ooh 6 sho 6 soh 6 tho 6 moo 5 mos 5 mot 5 oms 5 som 5 tom 5 oot 3 sos 3 sot 3 too 3
2 Letter Words
hm 7 ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 mo 4 om 4 os 2 so 2 to 2