• Definition - Half-melted snow or ice.
  • Definition - Liquid mud or mire.
  • Definition - Flavored shaved ice served as a drink.
  • Definition - A soft mixture of grease and other materials, used for lubrication.
  • Definition - The refuse grease and fat collected in cooking, especially on shipboard.
  • Definition - A mixture of white lead and lime, used as a paint to prevent oxidation.
  • Definition - Unsolicited manuscripts, as in slush pile.
  • Definition - To smear with slushy liquid or grease.
  • Definition - To slosh or splash; to move as, or through, a slushy or liquid substance.
  • Definition - To paint with a mixture of white lead and lime.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
shuls 8 slush 8
4 Letter Words
lush 7 shul 7
3 Letter Words
sus 3
2 Letter Words
sh 5 uh 5 us 2