• Definition - That which is thin and broad.
  • Definition - A thin, broad piece cut off.
  • Example - Jim was munching on a slice of toast.
  • Definition - An amount of anything.
  • Example - Jim was munching on a slice of toast.
  • Definition - A piece of pizza.
  • Example - Jim was munching on a slice of toast.
  • Definition - A snack consisting of pastry with savoury filling.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A broad, thin piece of plaster.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A knife with a thin, broad blade for taking up or serving fish; also, a spatula for spreading anything, as paint or ink.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A salver, platter, or tray.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A plate of iron with a handle, forming a kind of chisel, or a spadelike implement, variously proportioned, and used for various purposes, as for stripping the planking from a vessel's side, for cutting blubber from a whale, or for stirring a fire of coals; a slice bar; a peel; a fire shovel.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - One of the wedges by which the cradle and the ship are lifted clear of the building blocks to prepare for launching.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A removable sliding bottom to a galley.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A shot that (for the right-handed player) curves unintentionally to the right. See fade, hook, draw
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - Any of a class of heavy cakes or desserts made in a tray and cut out into squarish slices.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A section of image taken of an internal organ using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT (computed tomography), or various forms of x-ray.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A hawk's or falcon's dropping which squirts at an angle other than vertical. (See mute.)
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - A contiguous portion of an array.
  • Example - I bought a ham and cheese slice at the service station.
  • Definition - To cut into slices.
  • Example - Slice the cheese thinly.
  • Definition - To cut with an edge utilizing a drawing motion.
  • Example - The knife left sliced his arm.
  • Definition - To clear (e.g. a fire, or the grate bars of a furnace) by means of a slice bar.
  • Example - The knife left sliced his arm.
  • Definition - To hit the shuttlecock with the racket at an angle, causing it to move sideways and downwards.
  • Example - The knife left sliced his arm.
  • Definition - To hit a shot that slices (travels from left to right for a right-handed player).
  • Example - The knife left sliced his arm.
  • Definition - To angle the blade so that it goes too deeply into the water when starting to take a stroke.
  • Example - The knife left sliced his arm.
  • Definition - To kick the ball so that it goes in an unintended direction, at too great an angle or too high.
  • Example - The knife left sliced his arm.
  • Definition - To hit the ball with a stroke that causes a spin, resulting in the ball swerving or staying low after a bounce.
  • Example - The knife left sliced his arm.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
slices 8
5 Letter Words
ceils 7 sices 7 slice 7 isles 5
4 Letter Words
ceil 6 cels 6 cess 6 ices 6 lice 6 secs 6 sice 6 sics 6 isle 4 leis 4 less 4 lies 4 seis 4 sels 4
3 Letter Words
cel 5 cis 5 ice 5 sec 5 sic 5 els 3 ess 3 lei 3 les 3 lie 3 lis 3 sei 3 sel 3 sis 3
2 Letter Words
el 2 es 2 is 2 li 2 si 2