• Definition - A rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work, often consisting of a multitude of overlapping lines.
  • Definition - A rough design, plan, or draft, as a rough draft of a book.
  • Definition - A brief description of a person or account of an incident; a general presentation or outline.
  • Definition - A brief, light, or unfinished dramatic, musical, or literary work or idea; especially a short, often humorous or satirical scene or play, frequently as part of a revue or variety show, a skit
  • Definition - An amusing person.
  • Definition - A lookout; vigilant watch for something.
  • Example - to keep sketch
  • Definition - A humorous newspaper article summarizing political events, making heavy use of metaphor, paraphrase and caricature.
  • Example - to keep sketch
  • Definition - A formal specification of a mathematical structure or a data type described in terms of a graph and diagrams (and cones (and cocones)) on it. It can be implemented by means of “models”, which are functors which are graph homomorphisms from the formal specification to categories such that the diagrams become commutative, the cones become limiting (i.e., products), the cocones become colimiting (i.e., sums).
  • Example - to keep sketch
  • Definition - To make a brief, basic drawing.
  • Example - I usually sketch with a pen rather than a pencil.
  • Definition - To describe briefly and with very few details.
  • Example - He sketched the accident, sticking to the facts as they had happened.
  • Definition - Sketchy, shady, questionable.
  • Example - He sketched the accident, sticking to the facts as they had happened.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
sketch 15
5 Letter Words
hecks 14 ketch 14 khets 12 chest 10 techs 10
4 Letter Words
heck 13 khet 11 echt 9 etch 9 tech 9 eths 7 hest 7 hets 7 sect 6 tecs 6
3 Letter Words
tsk 7 eth 6 hes 6 het 6 she 6 the 6 sec 5 tec 5 est 3 set 3 tes 3
2 Letter Words
eh 5 he 5 sh 5 es 2 et 2 te 2