• Definition - A loud burst of voice or voices; a violent and sudden outcry, especially that of a multitude expressing joy, triumph, exultation, anger, or animated courage.
  • Definition - A round of drinks in a pub; the turn to pay the shot or scot; an act of paying for a round of drinks.
  • Definition - A call-out for an emergency services team.
  • Definition - A greeting, name-check or other mention, for example on a radio or TV programme.
  • Example - Next up the new single from Beyoncé, but first a shout to Barry Bloggins and his wife Belinda...
  • Synonyms - shout out
  • Definition - To utter a sudden and loud cry, as in joy, triumph, exultation or anger, or to attract attention, to animate others, etc.
  • Example - Next up the new single from Beyoncé, but first a shout to Barry Bloggins and his wife Belinda...
  • Definition - To utter with a shout; to cry; to shout out
  • Example - They shouted his name to get his attention.
  • Definition - To pay for food, drink or entertainment for others.
  • Example - He′s shouting us all to the opening night of the play.
  • Definition - To post a text message (for example, email) in upper case, regarded as the electronic messaging equivalent of oral shouting.
  • Example - Please don't shout in the chat room.
  • Definition - To treat with shouts or clamor.
  • Example - Please don't shout in the chat room.
  • Definition - A light flat-bottomed boat used in duck-shooting.
  • Example - Please don't shout in the chat room.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
shouts 9 souths 9
5 Letter Words
hosts 8 shots 8 shout 8 shuts 8 soths 8 south 8 thous 8 ousts 5
4 Letter Words
host 7 hots 7 huts 7 shot 7 shut 7 sohs 7 soth 7 thou 7 thus 7 tosh 7 tush 7 oust 4 outs 4 sots 4 sous 4 toss 4
3 Letter Words
hos 6 hot 6 hut 6 ohs 6 sho 6 soh 6 tho 6 out 3 sos 3 sot 3 sou 3 sus 3 uts 3
2 Letter Words
ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 uh 5 os 2 so 2 to 2 us 2 ut 2