• Definition - A quantity of the stalks and ears of wheat, rye, or other grain, bound together; a bundle of grain or straw.
  • Definition - Any collection of things bound together; a bundle.
  • Example - a sheaf of paper
  • Definition - A bundle of arrows sufficient to fill a quiver, or the allowance of each archer.
  • Example - a sheaf of paper
  • Definition - A quantity of arrows, usually twenty-four.
  • Example - a sheaf of paper
  • Definition - A sheave.
  • Example - a sheaf of paper
  • Definition - An abstract construct in topology that associates data to the open sets of a topological space, together with well-defined restrictions from larger to smaller open sets, subject to the condition that compatible data on overlapping open sets corresponds, via the restrictions, to a unique datum on the union of the open sets.
  • Example - a sheaf of paper
  • Definition - A wheel having a groove in the rim for a rope to work in, and set in a block, mast, or similar; the wheel of a pulley.
  • Example - a sheaf of paper
  • Definition - A sliding scutcheon for covering a keyhole.
  • Example - a sheaf of paper
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
sheaves 13
6 Letter Words
heaves 12 heveas 12 shaves 12 sheave 12
5 Letter Words
haves 11 heave 11 hevea 11 shave 11 ashes 8 eaves 8 saves 8 sheas 8 vases 8 eases 5
4 Letter Words
have 10 aves 7 eave 7 eves 7 haes 7 sash 7 save 7 sesh 7 sevs 7 shea 7 shes 7 vase 7 vees 7 ease 4 eses 4 esse 4 seas 4 sees 4
3 Letter Words
ahs 6 ash 6 ave 6 eve 6 hae 6 has 6 hes 6 sev 6 sha 6 she 6 vas 6 vee 6 ass 3 ess 3 sae 3 sea 3 see 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 eh 5 ha 5 he 5 sh 5 ae 2 as 2 es 2