• Definition - To travel on foot.
  • Definition - To stab, especially with an improvised blade.
  • Definition - To remove another's trousers, especially in jest; to depants.
  • Definition - To misstrike the ball with the part of the club head that connects to the shaft.
  • Definition - To hit or kick the ball in an unintended direction.
  • Definition - To fall off, as a leaf, flower, or capsule, on account of disease affecting the supporting footstalk; usually followed by off.
  • Definition - To provide (a button) with a shank (loop forming an eye).
  • Definition - (shoemaking) To apply the shank to a shoe, during the process of manufacturing it.
  • Definition - Having a shank.
  • Definition - Affected with disease of the shank or footstalk
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
shanked 15
6 Letter Words
hanked 14 khedas 14 shaken 13 kneads 11 snaked 11 endash 10
5 Letter Words
dhaks 13 kheda 13 ankhs 12 hakes 12 hanks 12 khans 12 shake 12 shank 12 asked 10 knead 10 naked 10 ashed 9 deash 9 hades 9 hands 9 heads 9 kanes 9 sadhe 9 shade 9 shend 9 skean 9 snake 9 sneak 9 ashen 8 hanse 8 deans 6 saned 6 sedan 6
4 Letter Words
dhak 12 ankh 11 hake 11 hank 11 khan 11 daks 9 dank 9 desk 9 sked 9 ahed 8 dahs 8 dash 8 edhs 8 hade 8 haed 8 hand 8 head 8 kaes 8 kane 8 keas 8 kens 8 sake 8 sank 8 shad 8 shed 8 haen 7 haes 7 hens 7 shea 7 shen 7 ands 5 dans 5 dean 5 dens 5 ends 5 sade 5 sand 5 send 5 sned 5 anes 4 naes 4 sane 4
3 Letter Words
dak 8 ask 7 dah 7 edh 7 had 7 kae 7 kas 7 kea 7 ken 7 ska 7 ahs 6 ash 6 hae 6 has 6 hen 6 hes 6 nah 6 sha 6 she 6 ads 4 and 4 dan 4 das 4 den 4 eds 4 end 4 sad 4 ane 3 ens 3 nae 3 sae 3 san 3 sea 3 sen 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 ah 5 eh 5 ha 5 he 5 sh 5 ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2 an 2 as 2 en 2 es 2 na 2 ne 2