• Definition - The entire body of a long weapon, such as an arrow.
  • Definition - The long, narrow, central body of a spear, arrow, or javelin.
  • Example - Her hand slipped off the javelin's shaft towards the spearpoint and that's why her score was lowered.
  • Definition - (by extension) Anything cast or thrown as a spear or javelin.
  • Example - Her hand slipped off the javelin's shaft towards the spearpoint and that's why her score was lowered.
  • Definition - Any long thin object, such as the handle of a tool, one of the poles between which an animal is harnessed to a vehicle, the driveshaft of a motorized vehicle with rear-wheel drive, an axle, etc.
  • Example - Her hand slipped off the javelin's shaft towards the spearpoint and that's why her score was lowered.
  • Definition - A beam or ray of light.
  • Example - Isn't that shaft of light from that opening in the cave beautiful?
  • Definition - The main axis of a feather.
  • Example - I had no idea that they removed the feathers' shafts to make the pillows softer!
  • Definition - The long narrow body of a lacrosse stick.
  • Example - Sarah, if you wear gloves your hands might not slip on your shaft and you can up your game, girl!
  • Definition - A vertical or inclined passage sunk into the earth as part of a mine
  • Example - Your grandfather used to work with a crane hauling ore out of the gold mine's shafts.
  • Definition - A vertical passage housing a lift or elevator; a liftshaft.
  • Example - Darn it, my keys fell through the gap and into the elevator shaft.
  • Definition - A ventilation or heating conduit; an air duct.
  • Example - Our parrot flew into the air duct and got stuck in the shaft.
  • Definition - Any column or pillar, particularly the body of a column between its capital and pedestal.
  • Example - Our parrot flew into the air duct and got stuck in the shaft.
  • Definition - The main cylindrical part of the penis.
  • Example - The female labia minora is homologous to the penis shaft skin of males.
  • Definition - The chamber of a blast furnace.
  • Example - The female labia minora is homologous to the penis shaft skin of males.
  • Definition - To fuck over; to cause harm to, especially through deceit or treachery.
  • Example - Your boss really shafted you by stealing your idea like that.
  • Definition - To equip with a shaft.
  • Example - Your boss really shafted you by stealing your idea like that.
  • Definition - To fuck; to have sexual intercourse with.
  • Example - Turns out my roommate was shafting my girlfriend.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
shafts 12
5 Letter Words
hafts 11 shaft 11 fasts 8 stash 8
4 Letter Words
fahs 10 fash 10 haft 10 fast 7 fats 7 hast 7 hats 7 sash 7 shat 7 tass 4
3 Letter Words
fah 9 aft 6 ahs 6 ash 6 fas 6 fat 6 has 6 hat 6 sha 6 ass 3 sat 3 tas 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 fa 5 ha 5 sh 5 as 2 at 2 ta 2