• Definition - Equipment designed for a particular purpose; an apparatus.
  • Example - The laboratory included an elaborate setup for measuring the energy.
  • Definition - The fashion in which something is organized or arranged.
  • Example - The classroom setup was simple and efficient.
  • Definition - A situation orchestrated to frame someone; a covert effort to place the blame on somebody.
  • Example - Trust me, that was a setup!
  • Definition - An installer.
  • Example - After inserting the disk, run the setup.
  • Definition - (operations) The process of arranging resources for performing a specific operation, as a run of a particular product.
  • Example - A simple setup on the bottling line involves reloading bottles and labels; emptying, cleaning, and reloading the tanks; and a test run.
  • Definition - The tendency of persistent wind to produce higher water levels at the downwind shore of a body of water and lower at the upwind shore.
  • Example - There was a strong wind setup at the south end of the lake after a day of northerly gales.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
setups 8 stupes 8 upsets 8
5 Letter Words
pests 7 puses 7 septs 7 setup 7 spues 7 steps 7 stupe 7 supes 7 upset 7 suets 5
4 Letter Words
pest 6 pets 6 psst 6 puss 6 puts 6 seps 6 sept 6 spue 6 step 6 supe 6 sups 6 tups 6 ests 4 sets 4 sues 4 suet 4 uses 4 utes 4
3 Letter Words
pes 5 pet 5 pst 5 pus 5 put 5 sup 5 tup 5 ups 5 ess 3 est 3 set 3 sue 3 sus 3 tes 3 use 3 ute 3 uts 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 up 4 es 2 et 2 te 2 us 2 ut 2