• Definition - One who labors hard and lives meanly; a mean fellow.
  • Definition - One who is incompetent or unable to complete easy tasks.
  • Example - What a scrub! Instead of washing the dishes she put the used food on her face!
  • Definition - A thicket or jungle, often specified by the name of the prevailing plant
  • Example - oak scrub
  • Definition - (stock breeding) One of the common livestock of a region of no particular breed or not of pure breed, especially when inferior in size, etc. Often used to refer to male animals unsuited for breeding.
  • Example - oak scrub
  • Definition - Vegetation of inferior quality, though sometimes thick and impenetrable, growing in poor soil or in sand; also, brush.
  • Example - oak scrub
  • Definition - One not on the first team of players; a substitute.
  • Example - oak scrub
  • Definition - Mean; dirty; contemptible; scrubby.
  • Example - oak scrub
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
curbs 9 scrub 9
4 Letter Words
cubs 8 curb 8 burs 6 crus 6 curs 6 rubs 6 urbs 6
3 Letter Words
cub 7 bur 5 bus 5 cru 5 cur 5 rub 5 sub 5 urb 5
2 Letter Words
us 2