• Definition - To clean, polish, or wash something by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously, frequently with an abrasive or cleaning agent.
  • Example - He scoured the burnt food from the pan.
  • Definition - To remove debris and dirt by purging; to sweep along or off (by a current of water).
  • Example - He scoured the burnt food from the pan.
  • Definition - To clear the digestive tract by administering medication that induces defecation or vomiting; to purge.
  • Example - to scour a horse
  • Definition - To (cause livestock to) suffer from diarrhoea or dysentery.
  • Example - If a lamb is scouring, do not delay treatment.
  • Definition - To cleanse (without rubbing).
  • Example - If a lamb is scouring, do not delay treatment.
  • Definition - To search an area thoroughly.
  • Example - They scoured the scene of the crime for clues.
  • Definition - To run with speed; to scurry.
  • Example - They scoured the scene of the crime for clues.
  • Definition - To move swiftly over; to brush along.
  • Example - They scoured the scene of the crime for clues.
  • Definition - Diarrhea in horses and cattle caused by intestinal infection.
  • Example - They scoured the scene of the crime for clues.
  • Definition - A place where wool was washed and cleaned.
  • Example - They scoured the scene of the crime for clues.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
scours 8
5 Letter Words
cross 7 cusso 7 scour 7 sorus 5 sours 5
4 Letter Words
cors 6 coss 6 crus 6 curs 6 cuss 6 orcs 6 rocs 6 ours 4 sour 4 sous 4
3 Letter Words
cor 5 cos 5 cru 5 cur 5 orc 5 roc 5 soc 5 ors 3 our 3 sos 3 sou 3 sus 3
2 Letter Words
or 2 os 2 so 2 us 2