• Definition - A particular discipline or branch of learning, especially one dealing with measurable or systematic principles rather than intuition or natural ability.
  • Example - Of course in my opinion Social Studies is more of a science than an art.
  • Definition - Specifically the natural sciences.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - Knowledge gained through study or practice; mastery of a particular discipline or area.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - The fact of knowing something; knowledge or understanding of a truth.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - The collective discipline of study or learning acquired through the scientific method; the sum of knowledge gained from such methods and discipline.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - Knowledge derived from scientific disciplines, scientific method, or any systematic effort.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - (collective) The scientific community.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - To cause to become versed in science; to make skilled; to instruct.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - To use science to solve a problem.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
  • Definition - The sport of boxing.
  • Example - My favorite subjects at school are science, mathematics, and history.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
science 11
6 Letter Words
ecesic 10 scenic 10 nieces 8
5 Letter Words
cense 7 cines 7 niece 7 scene 7 since 7 seine 5
4 Letter Words
cees 6 cine 6 ices 6 nice 6 sice 6 esne 4 seen 4 sene 4 sine 4
3 Letter Words
cee 5 cis 5 ice 5 sec 5 sic 5 ens 3 ins 3 nee 3 see 3 sei 3 sen 3 sin 3
2 Letter Words
en 2 es 2 in 2 is 2 ne 2 si 2