• Definition - The top of the head; the skull.
  • Definition - The part of the head where the hair grows from, or used to grow from.
  • Definition - A part of the skin of the head, with the hair attached, formerly cut or torn off from an enemy by warriors in some cultures as a token of victory.
  • Example - Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
  • Definition - The skin of the head of a stag with the horns attached.
  • Example - Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
  • Definition - A victory, especially at the expense of someone else.
  • Example - Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
  • Definition - A bed or stratum of shellfish.
  • Example - Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
  • Synonyms - scaup
  • Definition - The top; the summit.
  • Example - Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
  • Synonyms - summit
  • Definition - To remove the scalp (part of the head from where the hair grows), by brutal act or accident.
  • Example - Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
  • Definition - To resell, especially tickets, usually for an inflated price, often illegally.
  • Example - Tickets were being scalped for $300.
  • Synonyms - resell
  • Definition - On an open outcry exchange trading floor, to buy and sell rapidly for one's own account, aiming to buy from a seller and a little later sell to a buyer, making a small profit from the difference (roughly the amount of the bid/offer spread, or less).
  • Example - Tickets were being scalped for $300.
  • Definition - To screen or sieve ore before further processing.
  • Example - scalped ore
  • Synonyms - sieve
  • Definition - To remove the skin of.
  • Example - scalped ore
  • Definition - To remove the grass from.
  • Example - scalped ore
  • Definition - To destroy the political influence of.
  • Example - scalped ore
  • Definition - (milling) To brush the hairs or fuzz from (wheat grains, etc.) in the process of high milling.
  • Example - scalped ore
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
clasps 10 scalps 10
5 Letter Words
claps 9 clasp 9 scalp 9 class 7 salps 7 slaps 7
4 Letter Words
caps 8 clap 8 pacs 8 alps 6 asps 6 cals 6 lacs 6 laps 6 pals 6 pass 6 sacs 6 salp 6 saps 6 slap 6 spas 6 lass 4 sals 4
3 Letter Words
cap 7 pac 7 alp 5 asp 5 cal 5 lac 5 lap 5 pal 5 pas 5 sac 5 sap 5 spa 5 als 3 ass 3 las 3 sal 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 al 2 as 2 la 2