• Definition - Sorbus aucuparia, the European rowan.
  • Definition - Any of various small deciduous trees or shrubs of genus Sorbus, belonging to the rose family, with pinnate leaves, corymbs of white flowers, and usually with orange-red berries.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
rowan 8
4 Letter Words
warn 7 worn 7 roan 4
3 Letter Words
awn 6 naw 6 now 6 own 6 raw 6 row 6 wan 6 war 6 won 6 nor 3 oar 3 ora 3 ran 3
2 Letter Words
aw 5 ow 5 wo 5 an 2 ar 2 na 2 no 2 on 2 or 2