• Definition - An enormous mythical bird in Eastern legend.
  • Definition - Rocuronium.
  • Definition - A formation of minerals, specifically:
  • Definition - A large hill or island having no vegetation.
  • Example - Pearl Rock near Cape Cod is so named because the morning sun makes it gleam like a pearl.
  • Definition - Something that is strong, stable, and dependable; a person who provides security or support to another.
  • Example - Pearl Rock near Cape Cod is so named because the morning sun makes it gleam like a pearl.
  • Definition - A lump or cube of ice.
  • Example - I'll have a whisky on the rocks, please.
  • Definition - A type of confectionery made from sugar in the shape of a stick, traditionally having some text running through its length.
  • Example - While we're in Brighton, let's get a stick of rock!
  • Definition - A crystallized lump of crack cocaine.
  • Example - While we're in Brighton, let's get a stick of rock!
  • Synonyms - candy crack rock
  • Definition - An unintelligent person, especially one who repeats mistakes.
  • Example - While we're in Brighton, let's get a stick of rock!
  • Definition - An Afrikaner.
  • Example - While we're in Brighton, let's get a stick of rock!
  • Definition - An extremely conservative player who is willing to play only the very strongest hands.
  • Example - While we're in Brighton, let's get a stick of rock!
  • Definition - Any of several fish:
  • Example - While we're in Brighton, let's get a stick of rock!
  • Definition - A basketball.
  • Example - Yo homie, pass the rock!
  • Definition - (rock paper scissors) A closed hand (a handshape resembling a rock), that beats scissors and loses to paper. It beats lizard and loses to Spock in rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.
  • Example - Yo homie, pass the rock!
  • Definition - A cricket ball, especially a new one that has not been softened by use
  • Example - Yo homie, pass the rock!
  • Definition - A crystal used to control the radio frequency.
  • Example - Yo homie, pass the rock!
  • Definition - An act of rocking; a rocking motion; a sway.
  • Example - Yo homie, pass the rock!
  • Definition - To move gently back and forth.
  • Example - Rock the baby to sleep.
  • Definition - To cause to shake or sway violently.
  • Example - Don't rock the boat.
  • Definition - To sway or tilt violently back and forth.
  • Example - The boat rocked at anchor.
  • Definition - (of ore etc.) To be washed and panned in a cradle or in a rocker.
  • Example - The ores had been rocked and laid out for inspection.
  • Definition - To disturb the emotional equilibrium of; to distress; to greatly impact (most often positively).
  • Example - Downing Street has been rocked by yet another sex scandal.
  • Definition - To do well or to be operating at high efficiency.
  • Example - Downing Street has been rocked by yet another sex scandal.
  • Definition - To make love to or have sex with.
  • Example - Downing Street has been rocked by yet another sex scandal.
  • Definition - To play, perform, or enjoy rock music, especially with a lot of skill or energy.
  • Example - Let’s rock!
  • Definition - To be very favourable or skilful; excel; be fantastic.
  • Example - Chocolate rocks.
  • Definition - To thrill or excite, especially with rock music
  • Example - Let's rock this joint!
  • Definition - To do something with excitement yet skillfully
  • Example - I need to rock a piss.
  • Definition - To wear (a piece of clothing, outfit etc.) successfully or with style; to carry off (a particular look, style).
  • Example - I need to rock a piss.
  • Definition - Distaff.
  • Example - I need to rock a piss.
  • Definition - The flax or wool on a distaff.
  • Example - I need to rock a piss.
  • Definition - Money.
  • Example - I need to rock a piss.
  • Definition - Testicles.
  • Example - I need to rock a piss.
  • Definition - Crack cocaine.
  • Example - You seem a bit out of it lately, have you been smoking rocks again?
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
corks 11 rocks 11
4 Letter Words
cork 10 rock 10 sock 10 kors 8 cors 6 orcs 6 rocs 6
3 Letter Words
kor 7 kos 7 cor 5 cos 5 orc 5 roc 5 soc 5 ors 3
2 Letter Words
ok 6 or 2 os 2 so 2