• Definition - A possible adverse event or outcome
  • Definition - The probability of a negative outcome to a decision or event.
  • Example - 2006, Trever Ramsey on BBC News website, Exercise 'cuts skin cancer risk' read at http// on 14 May 2006
  • Definition - The magnitude of possible loss consequent to a decision or event.
  • Example - 2006, Trever Ramsey on BBC News website, Exercise 'cuts skin cancer risk' read at http// on 14 May 2006
  • Definition - (formal use in business, engineering, etc.) The potential (conventionally negative) effect of an event, determined by combining the likelihood of the event occurring with the effect should it occur.
  • Example - 2006, Trever Ramsey on BBC News website, Exercise 'cuts skin cancer risk' read at http// on 14 May 2006
  • Definition - An entity insured by an insurer or the specific uncertain events that the insurer underwrites.
  • Example - 2006, Trever Ramsey on BBC News website, Exercise 'cuts skin cancer risk' read at http// on 14 May 2006
  • Definition - To incur risk of (something).
  • Example - 2006, Trever Ramsey on BBC News website, Exercise 'cuts skin cancer risk' read at http// on 14 May 2006
  • Definition - To incur risk of harming or jeopardizing.
  • Example - 2006, Trever Ramsey on BBC News website, Exercise 'cuts skin cancer risk' read at http// on 14 May 2006
  • Definition - To incur risk as a result of (doing something).
  • Example - 2006, Trever Ramsey on BBC News website, Exercise 'cuts skin cancer risk' read at http// on 14 May 2006
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
risks 9
4 Letter Words
irks 8 kirs 8 kiss 8 kris 8 risk 8 skis 8 sirs 4 sris 4
3 Letter Words
irk 7 kir 7 kis 7 ski 7 sir 3 sis 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
ki 6 is 2 si 2