• Definition - A chasm or fissure.
  • Example - My marriage is in trouble: the fight created a rift between us and we can't reconnect.
  • Definition - A break in the clouds, fog, mist etc., which allows light through.
  • Example - My marriage is in trouble: the fight created a rift between us and we can't reconnect.
  • Definition - A shallow place in a stream; a ford.
  • Example - My marriage is in trouble: the fight created a rift between us and we can't reconnect.
  • Definition - To form a rift; to split open.
  • Example - My marriage is in trouble: the fight created a rift between us and we can't reconnect.
  • Definition - To cleave; to rive; to split.
  • Example - to rift an oak
  • Definition - (obsolete outside Scotland and northern Britain) To belch.
  • Example - to rift an oak
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
first 8 frits 8 rifts 8
4 Letter Words
firs 7 fist 7 fits 7 frit 7 rifs 7 rift 7 sift 7 stir 4
3 Letter Words
fir 6 fit 6 ifs 6 rif 6 its 3 sir 3 sit 3 sri 3 tis 3
2 Letter Words
if 5 is 2 it 2 si 2 ti 2