• Definition - To enter information into a device, such as a keyboard or keypad, after it has been done at least once before.
  • Example - She had to rekey the security code.
  • Definition - To modify (a lock or its cylinder) to change which keys will open it.
  • Example - She had to rekey the security code.
  • Definition - To change the key or tenor of; to reframe.
  • Example - She had to rekey the security code.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
keyer 12 reeky 12 rekey 12
4 Letter Words
ryke 11 yerk 11 reek 8 eery 7 eyer 7 eyre 7
3 Letter Words
key 10 kye 10 eek 7 eke 7 eye 6 rye 6 yer 6 ere 3 ree 3
2 Letter Words
ye 5 er 2 re 2