• Definition - An inclined surface that connects two levels; an incline.
  • Definition - A road that connects a freeway to a surface street or another freeway.
  • Definition - A mobile staircase that is attached to the doors of an aircraft at an airport
  • Definition - A large parking area in an airport for aircraft, for loading and unloading or for storage (see also apron)
  • Definition - A construction used to do skating tricks, usually in the form of part of a pipe.
  • Definition - A speed bump.
  • Definition - A leap or bound.
  • Definition - A concave bend at the top or cap of a railing, wall, or coping; a romp.
  • Definition - To behave violently; to rage.
  • Definition - To spring; to leap; to bound, rear, or prance; to move swiftly or violently.
  • Definition - To climb, like a plant; to creep up.
  • Definition - To stand in a rampant position.
  • Definition - To (cause to) change value, often at a steady rate.
  • Definition - To adapt a piece of iron to the woodwork of a gate.
  • Definition - An American plant, Allium tricoccum, related to the onion; a wild leek.
  • Definition - A promiscuous man or woman; a general insult for a worthless person.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
prams 9 ramps 9
4 Letter Words
amps 8 maps 8 pams 8 pram 8 ramp 8 samp 8 spam 8 arms 6 mars 6 pars 6 rams 6 raps 6 rasp 6 spar 6
3 Letter Words
amp 7 map 7 pam 7 arm 5 asp 5 mar 5 mas 5 par 5 pas 5 ram 5 rap 5 sap 5 spa 5 ars 3 ras 3
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 pa 4 ar 2 as 2