• Definition - A feeling of apprehension, doubt, fear etc.
  • Definition - A sudden sickly feeling; queasiness.
  • Definition - A prick of the conscience; a moral scruple, a pang of guilt. (Now often in negative constructions.)
  • Example - This lawyer has no qualms about saving people who are on the wrong side of the law.
  • Definition - Mortality; plague; pestilence.
  • Example - This lawyer has no qualms about saving people who are on the wrong side of the law.
  • Definition - A calamity or disaster.
  • Example - This lawyer has no qualms about saving people who are on the wrong side of the law.
  • Definition - To have a sickly feeling.
  • Example - This lawyer has no qualms about saving people who are on the wrong side of the law.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
qualm 16
4 Letter Words
alum 6 luma 6 maul 6
3 Letter Words
qua 12 amu 5 lam 5 lum 5
2 Letter Words
am 4 ma 4 mu 4 um 4 al 2 la 2