• Definition - A small pool of water, usually on a path or road.
  • Definition - Stagnant or polluted water.
  • Definition - A homogeneous mixture of clay, water, and sometimes grit, used to line a canal or pond to make it watertight.
  • Definition - The ripple left by the withdrawal of an oar from the water.
  • Definition - To form a puddle.
  • Definition - To play or splash in a puddle.
  • Definition - Of butterflies, to congregate on a puddle or moist substance to pick up nutrients.
  • Definition - To process iron, gold, etc., by means of puddling.
  • Definition - To line a canal with puddle (clay).
  • Definition - To collect ideas, especially abstract concepts, into rough subtopics or categories, as in study, research or conversation.
  • Definition - To make (clay, loam, etc.) dense or close, by working it when wet, so as to render impervious to water.
  • Definition - To make foul or muddy; to pollute with dirt; to mix dirt with (water).
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
puddle 10
5 Letter Words
duped 9 duple 8 puled 8
4 Letter Words
dupe 7 pled 7 dude 6 pule 6 duel 5 leud 5 lude 5
3 Letter Words
dep 6 dup 6 ped 6 pud 6 dud 5 pul 5 del 4 due 4 eld 4 led 4 lud 4 leu 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 up 4 de 3 ed 3 el 2