• Definition - Books and other material created by printing presses, considered collectively or as a medium.
  • Example - TV and the internet haven't killed print.
  • Definition - Clear handwriting, especially, writing without connected letters as in cursive.
  • Example - Write in print using block letters.
  • Definition - The letters forming the text of a document.
  • Example - The print is too small for me to read.
  • Definition - A newspaper.
  • Example - The print is too small for me to read.
  • Definition - A visible impression on a surface.
  • Example - Using a crayon, the girl made a print of the leaf under the page.
  • Definition - A fingerprint.
  • Example - Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  • Definition - A footprint.
  • Example - Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  • Definition - (visual art) A picture that was created in multiple copies by printing.
  • Example - Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  • Definition - A photograph that has been printed onto paper from the negative.
  • Example - Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  • Definition - A copy of a film that can be projected.
  • Example - Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  • Definition - Cloth that has had a pattern of dye printed onto it.
  • Example - Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  • Definition - A plaster cast in bas relief.
  • Example - Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  • Definition - To produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine; often used with out or off: print out, print off.
  • Example - Print the draft double-spaced so we can mark changes between the lines.
  • Definition - To produce a microchip (an integrated circuit) in a process resembling the printing of an image.
  • Example - The circuitry is printed onto the semiconductor surface.
  • Definition - To write very clearly, especially, to write without connecting the letters as in cursive.
  • Example - I'm only in grade 2, so I only know how to print.
  • Definition - To publish in a book, newspaper, etc.
  • Example - How could they print an unfounded rumour like that?
  • Definition - To stamp or impress (something) with coloured figures or patterns.
  • Example - to print calico
  • Definition - To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc., into or upon something.
  • Example - to print calico
  • Definition - To stamp something in or upon; to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure.
  • Example - to print calico
  • Definition - To display a string on the terminal.
  • Example - to print calico
  • Definition - To produce an observable value.
  • Example - On March 16, 2020, the S&P printed at 2,386.13, one of the worst drops in history.
  • Definition - Of, relating to, or writing for printed publications.
  • Example - a print edition of a book
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
print 7
4 Letter Words
pint 6 pirn 6 trip 6
3 Letter Words
nip 5 pin 5 pit 5 rip 5 tip 5 nit 3 rin 3 tin 3
2 Letter Words
pi 4 in 2 it 2 ti 2