• Definition - An official of Ancient Rome who controlled or superintended a particular command, charge, department, etc.
  • Example - the prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, or of provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the emperor's person
  • Definition - The head of a department in France.
  • Example - the prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, or of provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the emperor's person
  • Definition - The head of a prefecture in Japan.
  • Example - the prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, or of provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the emperor's person
  • Definition - A school pupil in a position of power over other pupils.
  • Example - the prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, or of provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the emperor's person
  • Definition - A commander.
  • Example - the prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, or of provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the emperor's person
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
perfect 14 prefect 14
6 Letter Words
refect 11 recept 10
5 Letter Words
creep 9 crepe 9 crept 9 erect 7 peter 7 terce 7
4 Letter Words
cepe 8 perc 8 feet 7 fere 7 fete 7 free 7 fret 7 reef 7 reft 7 tref 7 cere 6 cert 6 cete 6 peer 6 pere 6 pert 6 pree 6 rete 4 tree 4
3 Letter Words
cep 7 pec 7 eft 6 fee 6 fer 6 fet 6 ref 6 cee 5 pee 5 per 5 pet 5 rec 5 rep 5 tec 5 ere 3 ree 3 ret 3 tee 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fe 5 pe 4 er 2 et 2 re 2 te 2