• Definition - The notional area of land able to be farmed in a year by a team of 8 oxen pulling a carruca plow, usually reckoned at 120 acres.
  • Definition - A device pulled through the ground in order to break it open into furrows for planting.
  • Example - The horse-drawn plough had a tremendous impact on agriculture.
  • Definition - The use of a plough; tillage.
  • Example - The horse-drawn plough had a tremendous impact on agriculture.
  • Definition - Alternative form of Plough (Synonym of Ursa Major)
  • Example - The horse-drawn plough had a tremendous impact on agriculture.
  • Definition - A joiner's plane for making grooves.
  • Example - The horse-drawn plough had a tremendous impact on agriculture.
  • Definition - A bookbinder's implement for trimming or shaving off the edges of books.
  • Example - The horse-drawn plough had a tremendous impact on agriculture.
  • Definition - To use a plough on to prepare for planting.
  • Example - I've still got to plough that field.
  • Definition - To use a plough.
  • Example - Some days I have to plough from sunrise to sunset.
  • Definition - To have sex with, penetrate.
  • Example - Some days I have to plough from sunrise to sunset.
  • Definition - To move with force.
  • Example - Trucks plowed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
  • Definition - To furrow; to make furrows, grooves, or ridges in.
  • Example - Trucks plowed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
  • Definition - To run through, as in sailing.
  • Example - Trucks plowed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
  • Definition - To trim, or shave off the edges of, as a book or paper, with a plough.
  • Example - Trucks plowed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
  • Definition - (joinery) To cut a groove in, as in a plank, or the edge of a board; especially, a rectangular groove to receive the end of a shelf or tread, the edge of a panel, a tongue, etc.
  • Example - Trucks plowed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
  • Definition - (university slang) To fail (a student).
  • Example - Trucks plowed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
  • Definition - Land that has been or is meant to be ploughed
  • Example - Trucks plowed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
plow 9
3 Letter Words
pow 8 wop 8 low 6 owl 6 lop 5 pol 5
2 Letter Words
ow 5 wo 5 op 4 po 4 lo 2