• Definition - An organism that is not an animal, especially an organism capable of photosynthesis. Typically a small or herbaceous organism of this kind, rather than a tree.
  • Example - The garden had a couple of trees, and a cluster of colourful plants around the border.
  • Definition - An organism of the kingdom Plantae; now specifically, a living organism of the Embryophyta (land plants) or of the Chlorophyta (green algae), a eukaryote that includes double-membraned chloroplasts in its cells containing chlorophyll a and b, or any organism closely related to such an organism.
  • Example - The garden had a couple of trees, and a cluster of colourful plants around the border.
  • Definition - Now specifically, a multicellular eukaryote that includes chloroplasts in its cells, which have a cell wall.
  • Example - The garden had a couple of trees, and a cluster of colourful plants around the border.
  • Definition - Any creature that grows on soil or similar surfaces, including plants and fungi.
  • Example - The garden had a couple of trees, and a cluster of colourful plants around the border.
  • Definition - A factory or other industrial or institutional building or facility.
  • Example - The garden had a couple of trees, and a cluster of colourful plants around the border.
  • Definition - An object placed surreptitiously in order to cause suspicion to fall upon a person.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - Anyone assigned to behave as a member of the public during a covert operation (as in a police investigation).
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - A person, placed amongst an audience, whose role is to cause confusion, laughter etc.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - A play in which the cue ball knocks one (usually red) ball onto another, in order to pot the second; a set.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - Machinery, such as the kind used in earthmoving or construction.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - A young tree; a sapling; hence, a stick or staff.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - The sole of the foot.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - A plan; a swindle; a trick.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - A young oyster suitable for transplanting.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - To place (a seed or plant) in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
  • Definition - To place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit.
  • Example - That gun's not mine! It was planted there by the real murderer!
  • Definition - To place or set something firmly or with conviction.
  • Example - Plant your feet firmly and give the rope a good tug.
  • Definition - To place in the ground.
  • Example - Plant your feet firmly and give the rope a good tug.
  • Definition - To furnish or supply with plants.
  • Example - to plant a garden, an orchard, or a forest
  • Definition - To engender; to generate; to set the germ of.
  • Example - to plant a garden, an orchard, or a forest
  • Definition - To furnish with a fixed and organized population; to settle; to establish.
  • Example - to plant a colony
  • Definition - To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of.
  • Example - to plant Christianity among the heathen
  • Definition - To set up; to install; to instate.
  • Example - to plant Christianity among the heathen
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
plants 8
5 Letter Words
pants 7 plans 7 plant 7 plats 7 splat 7 slant 5
4 Letter Words
alps 6 laps 6 naps 6 pals 6 pans 6 pant 6 past 6 pats 6 plan 6 plat 6 salp 6 slap 6 snap 6 span 6 spat 6 taps 6 alts 4 ants 4 last 4 lats 4 salt 4 slat 4 tans 4
3 Letter Words
alp 5 apt 5 asp 5 lap 5 nap 5 pal 5 pan 5 pas 5 pat 5 pst 5 sap 5 spa 5 tap 5 als 3 alt 3 ant 3 las 3 lat 3 sal 3 san 3 sat 3 tan 3 tas 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 al 2 an 2 as 2 at 2 la 2 na 2 ta 2