• Definition - A person who steers a ship, a helmsman.
  • Definition - A person who knows well the depths and currents of a harbor or coastal area, who is hired by a vessel to help navigate the harbor or coast.
  • Definition - A guide book for maritime navigation.
  • Definition - An instrument for detecting the compass error.
  • Definition - A pilot vehicle.
  • Definition - A person authorised to drive such a vehicle during an escort.
  • Definition - A guide or escort through an unknown or dangerous area.
  • Definition - Something serving as a test or trial.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - A person who is in charge of the controls of an aircraft.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - A sample episode of a proposed TV series produced to decide if it should be made or not. If approved, typically the first episode of an actual TV series.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - A cowcatcher.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - A pilot light.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - One who flies a kite.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - A short plug, sometimes made interchangeable, at the end of a counterbore to guide the tool.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - To control (an aircraft or watercraft).
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - To guide (a vessel) through coastal waters.
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - To test or have a preliminary trial of (an idea, a new product, etc.)
  • Example - We would like to run a pilot in your facility before rolling out the program citywide.
  • Definition - Made or used as a test or demonstration of capability.
  • Example - The pilot plant showed the need for major process changes.
  • Definition - Used to control or activate another device.
  • Example - a pilot light
  • Definition - Being a vehicle to warn other road users of the presence of an oversize vehicle/combination.
  • Example - a pilot vehicle
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
pilot 7
4 Letter Words
lipo 6 plot 6 topi 6 loti 4 toil 4
3 Letter Words
lip 5 lop 5 opt 5 pit 5 poi 5 pol 5 pot 5 tip 5 top 5 lit 3 lot 3 oil 3 til 3
2 Letter Words
op 4 pi 4 po 4 it 2 li 2 lo 2 oi 2 ti 2 to 2