• Definition - A paintbrush.
  • Definition - A writing utensil with a graphite (commonly referred to as lead) shaft, usually blended with clay, clad in wood, and sharpened to a taper.
  • Definition - An aggregate or collection of rays of light, especially when diverging from, or converging to, a point.
  • Definition - A family of geometric objects with a common property, such as the set of lines that pass through a given point in a projective plane.
  • Definition - A small medicated bougie.
  • Definition - To write (something) using a pencil.
  • Example - I penciled (BrE: pencilled) a brief reminder in my notebook.
  • Definition - To mark with, or as if with, a pencil.
  • Example - I penciled (BrE: pencilled) a brief reminder in my notebook.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
pencil 10
5 Letter Words
cline 7
4 Letter Words
clip 8 epic 8 pice 8 ceil 6 cine 6 lice 6 lipe 6 nice 6 pein 6 pile 6 pine 6 plie 6 lien 4 line 4
3 Letter Words
cep 7 pec 7 pic 7 cel 5 ice 5 lip 5 nip 5 pen 5 pie 5 pin 5 lei 3 lie 3 lin 3 nil 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 pi 4 el 2 en 2 in 2 li 2 ne 2