• Definition - To remove the skin or outer covering of.
  • Example - I sat by my sister's bed, peeling oranges for her.
  • Definition - To remove something from the outer or top layer of.
  • Example - I peeled (the skin from) a banana and ate it hungrily.
  • Definition - To become detached, come away, especially in flakes or strips; to shed skin in such a way.
  • Example - I had been out in the sun too long, and my nose was starting to peel.
  • Definition - To remove one's clothing.
  • Example - The children peeled by the side of the lake and jumped in.
  • Definition - To move, separate (off or away).
  • Example - The scrum-half peeled off and made for the touchlines.
  • Definition - To play a peel shot.
  • Example - The scrum-half peeled off and made for the touchlines.
  • Definition - To send through a hoop (of a ball other than one's own).
  • Example - The scrum-half peeled off and made for the touchlines.
  • Definition - To plunder; to pillage, rob.
  • Example - The scrum-half peeled off and made for the touchlines.
  • Definition - With the outermost layer or skin removed.
  • Example - He stirred the campfire stew with a peeled stick, so the bark wouldn't get in it.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
peeled 9
4 Letter Words
deep 7 peed 7 pled 7 epee 6 peel 6 pele 6 dele 5 lede 5
3 Letter Words
dep 6 ped 6 pee 5 dee 4 del 4 eld 4 led 4 eel 3 lee 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 de 3 ed 3 el 2