• Definition - A stalk of an individual flower (or fruit, e.g., once fertilised); a stalk bearing a single flower or spore-producing body within a cluster.
  • Definition - A stalk of a fungus fruiting body.
  • Definition - A stalk-shaped body part; an anatomical part that resembles a stem or stalk.
  • Definition - A narrow stalk-like body part connecting specific segments in certain insects and some other arthropods.
  • Definition - The segment of an antler that attaches to the head of a cervid.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
pedicel 12 pedicle 12
6 Letter Words
cleped 11 pieced 11 ceiled 9 decile 9
5 Letter Words
clepe 9 piece 9 deice 8 piled 8 plied 8 edile 6 elide 6
4 Letter Words
cepe 8 clip 8 epic 8 pice 8 cede 7 cedi 7 deep 7 dice 7 iced 7 peed 7 pied 7 pled 7 ceil 6 lice 6 lipe 6 peel 6 pele 6 pile 6 plie 6 deil 5 dele 5 deli 5 diel 5 eide 5 idle 5 lede 5 lied 5
3 Letter Words
cep 7 pec 7 pic 7 dep 6 dip 6 ped 6 cee 5 cel 5 ice 5 lip 5 pee 5 pie 5 dee 4 del 4 die 4 eld 4 led 4 lid 4 eel 3 lee 3 lei 3 lie 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 pi 4 de 3 ed 3 id 3 el 2 li 2