• Definition - A partial derivative: a derivative with respect to one independent variable of a function in multiple variables while holding the other variables constant.
  • Definition - Any of the sine waves which make up a complex tone; often an overtone or harmonic of the fundamental.
  • Definition - Dentures that replace only some of the natural teeth
  • Definition - (forensics) An incomplete fingerprint
  • Definition - A fragment of a template containing markup.
  • Definition - To take the partial regression coefficient.
  • Definition - Existing as a part or portion; incomplete
  • Example - So far, I have only pieced together a partial account of the incident.
  • Definition - Describing a property that holds only when an algorithm terminates
  • Example - It's easy to prove partial correctness, but it's not obvious that it is also totally correct.
  • Definition - Biased in favor of a person, side, or point of view, especially when dealing with a competition or dispute
  • Example - The referee is blatantly partial!
  • Definition - (followed by the preposition to) having a predilection for something
  • Example - The referee is blatantly partial!
  • Synonyms - fond
  • Definition - Of or relating to a partial derivative or partial differential
  • Example - The referee is blatantly partial!
  • Definition - Subordinate
  • Example - The referee is blatantly partial!
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
partial 9
6 Letter Words
atrial 6 lariat 6 latria 6
5 Letter Words
apart 7 atrip 7 pilar 7 plait 7 tapir 7 altar 5 artal 5 atria 5 laari 5 raita 5 ratal 5 riata 5 talar 5 tiara 5 trail 5 trial 5
4 Letter Words
atap 6 lipa 6 pail 6 pair 6 pali 6 para 6 part 6 pial 6 pita 6 plat 6 prat 6 rapt 6 tapa 6 tarp 6 trap 6 trip 6 airt 4 alar 4 alit 4 aria 4 aril 4 lair 4 lari 4 lati 4 liar 4 lira 4 raia 4 rail 4 rial 4 tail 4 tala 4 tali 4 tirl 4
3 Letter Words
alp 5 apt 5 lap 5 lip 5 pal 5 par 5 pat 5 pia 5 pit 5 rap 5 rip 5 tap 5 tip 5 aal 3 ail 3 air 3 ait 3 ala 3 alt 3 art 3 lar 3 lat 3 lit 3 rai 3 rat 3 ria 3 tar 3 til 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pi 4 aa 2 ai 2 al 2 ar 2 at 2 it 2 la 2 li 2 ta 2 ti 2