• Definition - A cultivated flowering plant, derived by hybridization within species Viola tricolor.
  • Definition - A deep purple colour, like that of the pansy.
  • Definition - Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Junonia. Also called arguses.
  • Definition - A male homosexual, especially one who is effeminate.
  • Definition - A timid, weak man or boy; a wuss.
  • Definition - (usually with "around" or "about") To mess about; to fail to get things done.
  • Definition - Wimpy; spineless; feeble.
  • Definition - Of a deep purple colour, like that of the pansy.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
pansy 10
4 Letter Words
pays 9 pyas 9 spay 9 yaps 9 nays 7 naps 6 pans 6 snap 6 span 6
3 Letter Words
pay 8 pya 8 spy 8 yap 8 any 6 ays 6 nay 6 say 6 syn 6 yas 6 asp 5 nap 5 pan 5 pas 5 sap 5 spa 5 san 3
2 Letter Words
ay 5 ya 5 pa 4 an 2 as 2 na 2