• Definition - An instance of overrunning
  • Definition - The amount by which something overruns
  • Example - At least this year's overrun isn't as unmanageable as last year!
  • Definition - Air that is whipped into a frozen dessert to make it easier to serve and eat.
  • Example - At least this year's overrun isn't as unmanageable as last year!
  • Definition - To defeat an enemy and invade in great numbers, seizing the enemy positions conclusively.
  • Example - At least this year's overrun isn't as unmanageable as last year!
  • Definition - To infest, swarm over, flow over.
  • Example - The vine overran its trellis; the field is overrun with weeds.
  • Definition - To run past; to run beyond.
  • Example - One line overruns another in length.
  • Definition - To continue for too long.
  • Example - The performance overran by ten minutes, which caused some people to miss their bus home.
  • Definition - To carry (some type, a line or column, etc.) backward or forward into an adjacent line or page.
  • Example - The performance overran by ten minutes, which caused some people to miss their bus home.
  • Definition - To go beyond; to extend in part beyond.
  • Example - In machinery, a sliding piece is said to overrun its bearing when its forward end goes beyond it.
  • Definition - To abuse or oppress, as if by treading upon.
  • Example - In machinery, a sliding piece is said to overrun its bearing when its forward end goes beyond it.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
overrun 10 runover 10
6 Letter Words
unrove 9
5 Letter Words
roven 8 rover 8 rerun 5 rouen 5
4 Letter Words
eruv 7 oven 7 over 7 rove 7 euro 4 reno 4 roue 4 ruer 4 rune 4
3 Letter Words
rev 6 voe 6 eon 3 ern 3 err 3 nor 3 one 3 ore 3 our 3 roe 3 rue 3 run 3 urn 3
2 Letter Words
en 2 er 2 ne 2 no 2 nu 2 oe 2 on 2 or 2 re 2 un 2