• Definition - A laying out or expending; that which is laid out or expended.
  • Definition - The spending of money, or an expenditure.
  • Example - Without too much outlay, you could buy a second-hand car.
  • Definition - A remote haunt or habitation.
  • Example - Without too much outlay, you could buy a second-hand car.
  • Definition - To lay or spread out; expose; display.
  • Example - Without too much outlay, you could buy a second-hand car.
  • Definition - To spend, or distribute money.
  • Example - Without too much outlay, you could buy a second-hand car.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
layout 9 outlay 9
4 Letter Words
oaty 7 alto 4 auto 4 latu 4 lota 4 lout 4 outa 4 tola 4 tolu 4
3 Letter Words
lay 6 toy 6 you 6 alt 3 lat 3 lot 3 oat 3 out 3 tao 3 tau 3 uta 3
2 Letter Words
ay 5 oy 5 ya 5 yo 5 al 2 at 2 la 2 lo 2 ta 2 to 2 ut 2