• Definition - A narcotics squad police officer.
  • Definition - A narcissist.
  • Definition - A police spy or informer.
  • Definition - An unpleasant person, especially one who makes things difficult for others.
  • Definition - To watch; to observe.
  • Definition - To serve or behave as a spy or informer.
  • Example - “If you nark on me, I’ll rip your arms off,” said Tim to his brother, as he passed him a joint.
  • Synonyms - rat tattle
  • Definition - To annoy or irritate.
  • Example - It really narks me when people smoke in restaurants.
  • Definition - To complain.
  • Example - He narks in my ear all day, moaning about his problems.
  • Definition - (often imperative) To stop.
  • Example - Nark it! I hear someone coming!
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
karns 9 knars 9 narks 9 ranks 9 snark 9
4 Letter Words
arks 8 karn 8 knar 8 nark 8 rank 8 sank 8 sark 8
3 Letter Words
ark 7 ask 7 kas 7 ska 7 ars 3 ran 3 ras 3 san 3
2 Letter Words
ka 6 an 2 ar 2 as 2 na 2