• Definition - The profile of a body of water flowing over an obstruction in a vertical drop.
  • Definition - Either of the two parts of a double cone.
  • Definition - A sheet-like mass of rock that has been folded over adjacent strata.
  • Definition - (hydraulics) Geological nappe whose underside is not in contact with the overflow structure and is at ambient atmospheric pressure.
  • Definition - The ability of a liquid to coat the back of a spoon, etc.
  • Definition - To coat (a food) with liquid.
  • Example - to nappe a leg of lamb with glaze
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
nappe 9
4 Letter Words
nape 6 neap 6 pane 6 pean 6
3 Letter Words
app 7 pap 7 pep 7 ape 5 nap 5 pan 5 pea 5 pen 5 ane 3 nae 3
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pe 4 ae 2 an 2 en 2 na 2 ne 2